

What are the types of collagen?

Collagen is a protein necessary for the health and function of the connective tissues in your body. Connective tissues weave the different parts of the body — skin, bones, and organs — together and give the shape of your body. Without collagen, your body might look completely different.

Zinc and how it affects hair loss

Zinc and how it affects hair loss

Do you suffer from hair thinning or hair loss?

If so, it could be because there is too much zinc in your diet. There have been many studies showing how too much zinc can lead to hair loss and other problems. why is that? Although we need a certain amount of zinc in our diets, there are many problems that can arise, including hair loss, if we have too much.

Do supplements prevent chapped lips?

Do supplements prevent chapped lips?

If you can't stop holding on to lip balm, the problem may be bigger than you think. Dry lips is one of the symptoms of vitamin deficiency. It's also an early warning sign of serious health problems.

Dry lips are usually caused by the environment. The first cold wave of winter often leads to chapped lips. So does a sunny day at the beach. Dry conditions or excessive licking can also damage them. If your environment or behavior hasn't changed, it's time to dig deeper.

Vitamin C benefits for your skin

Vitamin C benefits for your skin

- May help protect against sun damage

The antioxidants in vitamin C may help protect against damage that UV rays can cause. This does not mean that you can use a vitamin C skin serum in place of sunscreen. It cannot replace SPF because it does not absorb UVA or UVB rays. But if UV light reaches your skin, some research suggests that vitamin C can help mitigate damage.

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